D3.1 Specifications on quantum hardware and low-level implementations

This deliverable demonstrates the implementation of the developed algorithm primitives on specific hardware types per the measurement of the exploitation strategies performance.

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D3.2 Middleware and API specifications

This deliverable will demonstrate the developed framework connecting the algorithms and the identified methods & strategies per the performance measurement. It will include as well the process documentation

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D4.1 Problem specification (energy storage)

This deliverable defines clearly articulated problem statements for each of the four trials (predictive models for battery design and fuel cells, simulations of solid oxide fuel cells, materials discovery for battery design, atomistic models for fuel cell simulation).

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D5.1 Problem specification sheets (aerospace)

This deliverable defines clearly articulated problem statements for each of the four trials (aerodynamics simulations, space mission optimisation, space data analysis and processing, multidisciplinary design optimisation) including detailed descriptions of the problem scenario, the chosen methods, its implications, and its impact on the different stakeholders.

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D6.1 Project website (including project repository)

This deliverable serves as the main communication and dissemination platform to allow stakeholders, policymakers, and media access to the project development and results launched and developed. It hosts all the public dissemination deliverables and promote relevant content, and will be continuously updated per the project's progress.

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D6.2 Dissemination & communication plan

This deliverable serves as a reference when conducting dissemination and communication activities, illustrating the key objectives for communicating and disseminating the EQUALITY project and the means through which stakeholders will be targeted and engaged to maximize opportunities and impact.

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D6.3 Dissemination & communication reports

This deliverable reports on the progress of the dissemination and communication activities and will track and measure the impact of specific communication metrics and key performance indicators.

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D6.5 Market analysis, business model and upscaling

This deliverable presents a thorough market assessment (market dynamics, volume, value, growth, segmentation, competitor analysis) and a solution-based business model, considering the upscaling to other countries.

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D7.1 Project Management Handbook

This deliverable reports on the general technical and administrative management information, organized around the project lifecycle of initiating, planning, controlling, and closing.

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D7.2 Quality plan and monitoring

This deliverable reports on the continuous quality assurance of the project results including the assessment of the project activities and outcomes, risk analysis, mitigation strategies, and lessons learned to refine results.

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D7.3 Data-management plan

This deliverable covers the strategies and measures of data management; how the data will be managed, analyzed, described, and stored, what standards will be used, how the metadata will be handled, and how the data will be protected.

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