Thouless pumps allows to observe effects of the nontrivial topology in one-dimensional quantum systems. In fact, Thouless pumps show a robust quantized transport of charge during an adiabatic cycle encircling a topological singularity of the system Hamiltonian. While this phenomenon is well-understood in noninteracting systems, in terms of topological invariants of single-particle bands and their symmetries, much effort has been put recently to understand how the presence of interactions affects Thouless pumps.
In this work, EQUALITY partners from Pasqal and collaborators study Thouless pumps in an interacting spin chain described by the dimerized XXZ Hamiltonian.
In the noninteracting case, quantized Thouless pumps can only occur when a topological singularity is encircled adiabatically. In contrast, here they show that, in the presence of interactions, such topological transport can even persist for exotic paths in which the system gets arbitrarily close to the singularity.
The authors illustrate the robustness of these exotic Thouless pumps through the behaviour of the noninteracting singularity, which for sufficiently strong interactions splits into two singularities separated by a spontaneous antiferromagnetic insulator. They perform a numerical benchmark of these phenomena by means of tensor network simulations of ground-state physics and real-time adiabatic dynamics. Finally, an experimental protocol is proposed with Floquet-driven Rydberg tweezer arrays.
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